Once signed in or logged in.
Choose the time package you want to top up (Minimum top-up time is 3 hours or 24 baht)
Choose payment method
Payment steps for True Money Wallet
Fill out True Money Wallet information
- First and last name
- True Money Wallet account phone number
and press the payment button
Enter the OPT code from SMS.
and press Confirm OTP
Payment steps for credit-debit card
Fill out the credit-debit card information.
- Card number
- Expiration date
- CVV (code number on back of card)
- Name on the card
Press the payment button
Enter the OPT code from SMS.
and press Confirm OTP
Payment steps for PromptPay
Fill out information
- First and last name
and press the payment button.
The system will go to the next page with QR code payment.
You can take a screenshot or save the QR code and pay via your banking app within 10 minutes.
When payment is completed.
Return to the website.
The system will take you back to the charging page.